Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ironman Update!

I have finally finished the model! Entirely in Zbrush! I have learned so much about hard surface modeling this project! However, I am not done yet! I have still to create the details and I need to retopo his hands and fix the unwrap because the texture as it is now does have some strange artifacts! So it should be done during the week! Can't wait!

More details been added! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

SSS update!

The SSS are now finally starting to get to a stage where I am quite satisfied. I did a 4k render today, and it looks really good! However, I need to create a better unwrap before on my next projects.

Most of my day have been devoted on the shader, and I have done so many different renders and changes that I finally believe i can write with good conscious that I understand the shader quite well now. However, there are still more to render and more to understand..

Anyways, here's the result :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Iron Man

As I have mentioned before, I am making an Iron Man. The reason for this, is to show that I am capable to do hard surface modeling, and it is for my portfolio.

I also want to use the SSS head I have made together with the suit, and see if I can come up with some good renders.

Here is the sketch I have done today.

The Iron man model sketch is done:

Have started the cleanup, and this is as far as I am at the moment.
I use Zbrush to everything, and this is a great way to learn more about hard surface modeling in zbrush and in general.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Brief 3 - Environment - part 2

Brief 3 - part 2
"On a distant moon scientists have discovered an ancient site proving that alien life once, long
ago, existed here. Specifically they have recently begun to excavate what appears to be the
remains of an alien cathedral. The design is obscure but there are carvings which seem to
have a religious significance. However the scientists did not realise that this is tomb designed
to imprison an ancient god - a god so ancient and non-human it defies description. Now this
god is free…"

Progress so far: