Friday, November 30, 2012

Female Sculpt

After working with digital sculpting for a while, I decided to attack the female body. You know what, I find it so difficult! Like, to make a male, is basically (very basically)  just to add some clay here, and than some there, and than some back around all over the place, and you got a male figure/face. A male is more chunky and square kinda. In contrast, the female is curvy and smooth.

Anyways, I decided to give it a go. Though, I only made the bust. I got really satisfied with the result and will continue on the sculpt when I got the time!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Main character model

In the last post I wrote that I wanted to work on the sculpt. So I started out with exporting the different parts as obj, and imported them in Topogun. When I had Retopologized all the parts I started to put them together in Zbrush. I unwrapped everything using Uw master. I than textured everything and exported the different maps.

This picture shows the done model in 3ds max's viewport (realistic shader with skylight)
(The sword and shield are done by one of my artist in the game team. They are not textured yet)

Here is also a turntable video of the model in Tpose.

This was just a quick vturntable ideo made for our first presentation about the game at Uni!

New enemy for Odin's Wrath

New enemy for the game is made! It is a water Element. The sculpt were made in about an hour, and the whole process from scratch to finish took about 3 hours.

The retopo'd model is 716 tris.

Program used, Zbrush (mainly) Topogun, and 3ds max!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

One more Viking sculpt

In this sculpt, I focused more on the armor, rather than the anatomy. I am quite satisfied with the sculpt. I really like the details and the harmony in the character. I made him more asymmetric,  by making different armor and details on each side. I think this is it, and will retopologize this guy, and see what happens!

Sunday, November 4, 2012


So one of my artist in my game group asked me if I could make a skull. So I did!

I searched the interweb for pictures. Since I wanted it to be as anatomically correct as possible.

And when I was talking to a friend of mine, I suddenly remembered "Brook" in the Anime series "One Piece"
So I kinda had to add the afro!

One more sculpts for the Viking

One character sculpt for the main character. I tried to make the skirt look like animal skin. I am not sure if I completely got it, but not that far away. It does look more like leather maybe. When it comes to the muscles and anatomy, I personally think it is fairly alright, but I have still much to learn! I think the muscles look very mechanic at the moment though.

Thursday, November 1, 2012