Monday, February 11, 2013

Concept art enviroment

Trying to learn how to make a digital painting read well. And I am trying to learn the different technics, when it comes to comp, light, atmosphere, colour and textures. So this is a cave, and it is very early in the process.
I'm not used to upload pieces this early, but I guess that's what the blog is for. I'll keep updateing with new updates on this :)

Update ....01

Added light and texture to the image. Also made some variety to the sides with lighter colour and brush strokes.

Update ...02

Added more details to the stairs, and tried to get more variation in the colours around in the picture. I've also removed the light for the time being. This is so that I can focus on details and get the values right, and I'll "turn" the light on.

Update ...03

Added two pillars and more texture. I've made the foreground into as a silhouette for the time being. Added light and more details to the stairs.

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