Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gear and Chain modelling

I am trying to learn some new techniques in zBrush, were hard surface modelling is not my strongest field.
So after I saw a video about it, I decided to give it a try.

I started out with a cylinder, and chopped out some circles in it. Then I inserted a cube, to make the tags that goes out of the gear. After that, I copied it over, scaled it down, and used the stroke brush to add the chain, and than adjust it to the two gears. I added a new subtool behind it, and made a big gear, and to make all those small tags, was a quite time consuming.. I than carved a hole through it, and continued like that, and eventually I had made the "picture".

I'm quite exited about this, because this opens up so many new possibilities inside zbrush! 

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