Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dwarf Blacksmith Concept

Hi guys! Happy new year!

I had a great Christmas back in Norway! Had a great time with family and friends. It was really great to see everyone again. Since I got the cold, I weren't able to attend everything i wanted to attend, and I didn't know if I wanted to go back to the UK at the moment. Though, now, back in the UK again, It is great! Love to have my computer, being able to sculpt and work again. I really love the sculpting part, you never know what you are producing throughout the day. Really love that, not knowing what's coming out of my head.

So I had to create this blacksmith. He was intended to be a dwarf and, I think I looks like one, but I also think I looks like Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit! Which was totally random, but I think the main reason for the look alike is the hair, and unfortunately, I'm not able to use the hair in the game engine since it is Fiber mesh..

 I did some changes to him. I Created trousers, textured him and made some fine details to him as well.

Quite satisfied with the result, only thing left is the re topology! 

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