Thursday, December 6, 2012

Doctor Worm

For the first time, I jumped in to the silhouette drawing. Never actually done it before! I started, but never finished: Since I have yet not found a love for drawing, I decided to do something about it today! Like, actually do some drawing at my free time. Been sitting here for couple of hours, and I think it is really fun! So much easier to see the design, and you can make several characters in a heartbeat (well, I can't, not yet!)
I don't think any of the silhouette is good enough yet, but keep working like this, and it will get better.
The values as well, really difficult, but to get better I need to continue with it, and push myself to do it!

Goal for today will be to produce several pictures like the one under! I hope to achieve at least 2 more. (mayby 3)

I started out with an empty Photoshop scene, and started with pure black on a grey canvas, and just doodled really, until I got something I was satisfied with. I than moved on to the next silhouette.
After the silhouette, I started on the values. Which I find really difficult, but I gave it a shot, and it looked horrible, but when i zoomed out, it didn't look so bad! Jordan, one of my house mates  recommended me to use the navigation window in PS, which I have Never ever used! So, I will give that a shot, in the next silhouette drawings.

The silhouettes you see here, are design ideas for one of our briefs. Basically make a worm, who is a doctor, and crazy, and evil, and he has a minion.

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