Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peasant lady - wip

New character, this character is a peasant and will be one of the civilian walking about.



New Female Character! - wip

This character s based on my friends final year project ( The character is still under dev. The head is not sculpted yet as I have chosen to focus on the silhouette, form and colour.



 So I have integrated some sci fi elements to the model, and I must say, I think it looks really nice! It has a new feel to it that I really enjoy! I want to explore this area more in terms of design, and I am really passionate about this project as it may result in some playable character eventually!
The theme is a victorian era-sciFi futuristic environment.

Updated Design


Sunday, May 19, 2013

3D print - Human Anatomy!

Here are some pictures of the human anatomy sculpt which I printed out at my university! I haven't gotten over the fact that I have created the models. It is so surreal, yet so amazing! I really want to do print out more models and try to push the machines limited  I had to connect his arms to his sides as they were quite thin and the teachers didn't think they would hold. The on the muscle/skeleton side, he lost some of his tendons in the elbow and in his hand. He also lost his little finger as it was too thin. Other then that the model came out really nice. It has been glued twice, as the material is quite weak when printed. So a coat of clue has been put on him. The glue makes the colour more saturated and it just brings the colour to life really.

3D Print - Werewolf

At my university they got a 3D printer which I have been really lucky to test! First I printed out a werewolf which I have sculpted. After a great success with that, I moved on to print out my final year project which was human anatomy study. The werewolf is 12 cm tall and the human figure is 19 cm tall! It is such a surreal experience to work with pixels on a screen and move over to actual holding the model in your hand!

The werewolf were bit unfortunate because he lost his arm in the gluing process after the print. Luckily it was a clean cut and we were able to glue it back together. At the bottom, you can see that he has "high heels". We chose to put some cylinders under his feet, so it wouldn't break because of the weight. However, I want to try to remove them now, as the model is quite solid.

3d model in 3ds max

Printed model outside

Human Anatomy!

 Here is my Final year project. Where I have sculpted the skeleton, muscles and skin to understand the human anatomy of a human male. All this was done in Zbrush as I want to become a better character sculptor. I want to understand how the muscle form itself around the skeleton to visualize the total form of a human. On the actual sculpting process in time, about two weeks were dedicated to this project. However, I don't have an overview on how many hours gone in research. Ryan Kingslien says that you won't become a better sculptor by just research, but you will need to go in there and sculpt. That is what I have done, and with the use of books I have been able to produce this model. It has not been retopologize as there is no need for it. However, I am going to do it and I want to rig it at some point. I am very pleased with what I have accomplished and I would like to recommend doing this to everyone that takes character sculpting serious.  The amount of information and understanding I have now compared to when I started this project is humongous. It has been a really great expe

Hope you all like it :) Feedback is appreciated.


Muscles + Fat


Muscle texture

Skin Texture

Human Anatomy Study - Timelapse

Still working with silhouette concept - characters

Here is a concept where I work mainly with the silhouette and then fill in details as I progress. The gun is just a placeholder atm, as I haven't decided if I want to use a gun or swords yet. However, it is a sci fi inspired theme, with a hint of the japanese culture. Wanted to create a women like character, and I feel it came out quite nicely. I will be working more with the character, retopo it, unwrap and texture her eventually.



Friday, May 17, 2013

Zbrush armor Concepting!

So I am trying to work with silhouettes and just concepting with zbrush. This is about an hour work. I have yet to be able to create better silhouettes and in shorter time, but that time will come! I used dDo for texturing, which I have to say is really awesome! can't wait till I really know how to use it. Still quite noob when it comes to how it works. I used zbrush for the concepting, photoshop to texture and marmoset for render.


Colour groups

Textured - rendered Marmoset

Friday, May 3, 2013

Speed sculpt - Human Anatomy

Been doing some human anatomy sculpting. It is an amazing feeling, when you see mistakes and you know how to fix em. It is a couple of hours sculpt, decimated and rendered. Two first pics are from zbrush and the two last is rendered in max.

Iron man render!

The Iron man is almost done! Not 100 % satisfied with the material, but for now it is close enough :)
This is a decimated model from zbrush, and there is no unwrap on it, however, I am working on the new topology, but  I don't have time to finish it until after uni. 

I am very happy with the final render, and the scratches looks good. When it is retopologized and unwrapped, I am then going to create both clean and several dirt textures :)