Sunday, May 19, 2013

3D Print - Werewolf

At my university they got a 3D printer which I have been really lucky to test! First I printed out a werewolf which I have sculpted. After a great success with that, I moved on to print out my final year project which was human anatomy study. The werewolf is 12 cm tall and the human figure is 19 cm tall! It is such a surreal experience to work with pixels on a screen and move over to actual holding the model in your hand!

The werewolf were bit unfortunate because he lost his arm in the gluing process after the print. Luckily it was a clean cut and we were able to glue it back together. At the bottom, you can see that he has "high heels". We chose to put some cylinders under his feet, so it wouldn't break because of the weight. However, I want to try to remove them now, as the model is quite solid.

3d model in 3ds max

Printed model outside

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