Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Update - survival suit!

Today I have finished the design on the suit and start working on some weapons and accessories. Like the sniper and a knife (which you can't see atm) and some clip pockets, grenades and such. Anywho here is the finished concept! The next step here are now to take it from concept to production!

Human Survival Suit - Concept - Done

Monday, October 28, 2013

Concept - Human Survival suit - WIP

Hi guys! As one of the masterclasses are about creating concept for production, I decided to try to create a suit which the humans need on the planet if they want to survive, as the gravity is much stronger on this planet, which I am not going to talk about now. However, Quite happy with the result, so far, and I really enjoy this kind of work. Where I try to create something new and still trying to solve the puzzle if it will actually work. No, it won't now as it still in the concept phase, but you know, have some faith!

Human Survival suit - wip

Not sure what to do with the legs, but here is a quick concept of what I think I might be going for!

Human Survival suit with legs - wip

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Character Creation study - homework - WIP

Just updating my progress on the character creation masterclass :)
Decided to create either a male or a female person from the Maasai Tribe. Startet on the wrinkles today, and it just takes forever!

Anyways, think the top of the head  is till bit to low..

Maasai Progression

Friday, October 25, 2013

Alien concept 02 - Masterclass

Hi guys! Just updating with a new alien concept! With facial expression this time! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

African Male - Update - WIP - 02

New update on my African Male!
Finally starting to look like something! Feedback is very welcomed! Still a wip though, and it is only rendered with zbrush passes.

Monday, October 21, 2013

African Male - Update - WIP

After some feedback from friends, I realised that the skull was just to low and my african male looked more like a neanderthal which is a pre extinct dead guy.. Race.. Anywho, so here is the change :) Still open for feedback, but I think I'm closer now than earlier! I have not gone into creating details, only the big shapes and overall form, just to mention that.

African male (sorry about the creepy eyes)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Homework - Facial muscles - African male

Quite satisfied with the results and progress throughout the day! For the muscles I used zsketch, were yesterday I used curveTube insert mesh brush. They have both pros and cons, but I think the zsketch workflow wins, as it was mych faster! Anyways, here are the result :)

Skull Starting point
Skull with the eyes! (bit creepy i might add)
Muscles using zsketch
Starting to look like skin
Progress of the Skin today
Black and White render

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Face Muscle Study - Masterclass homework - WIP

Here is a quick render presentation of the muscle study. I am far from done and this is only a speed study. The tools I used are dynamesh, zremesher, standard, move, curveTriFill and curveTube. The two last brushes was used to create the muscle mesh.

Asian Male Muscle Study

Friday, October 18, 2013

Alien Concept 1 - A step further

So I have been playing around with the first alien concept sculpt today. I wanted to take the model further, so retopologiezed, unwrapped and polypainted the alien. I then importet the model to Marmoset where I tweeked the render to my linking.
Used zRemesher to retopo and uwMaster to unwrap.
The map I used are: normal map, diffuse, spec, ao, emissive and detail. I rendered the model in Marmoset and then some post in photoshop.

This is only a couple of hours work, and I am really pleased with the results. Also, I know where I can shorten down time and be more effective. As I tweek alot in Marmorset today and tried to render out displacement maps. Which took forEVER! And in the end I ended up NOT using it... Anyways. here are my results! :) (sorry, it seems the pictures are a bit darker in the browser then in Photoshop... Can't seem to figure out why!)

Hope you like it! And feedback is always welcomed!

Alien concept 1 - Wire

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Concepting for Production - materclass with Justin Goby Fields!

Doing a masterclass with Justin Goby Fields! Where he teaches us a workflow where you draw some silhouettes  and then mess around with them in Photoshop. After I have finished the 2D concepts, I den start out with a sphere and start to concept in zbrush. I try to create similar 3D concepts in zbrush, however, I didn't use the 2D concept as reference, as much as I should. So I only got the inspired of it. 

Model 1 is the first model I modeled, and the second and third are snake hook versions off the first one. 

I got really happy with the result, and these are the first concepts of many to come! I have learned much about the process and workflow already, and the class has barely started! :)

Alien conceptSheet_01

Alien conceptSheet_02

Alien concept 1

Alien concept 2

Alien concept 3

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

First Homework - Masterclass 1

Doing a masterclass with Kris Costa ( http://www.zbrushworkshops.com/master-workshop/character-creation-with-kris-costa )
The reason for me taking this class, is to get to the next level in 3D and sculpting.

The first homework, was to create three different skulls. The reason for this, was to understand where and how much of differentes there is in a skull. Its so easy to think that a skull is the same the same, however, this is not true. The general proportions are generally the same, however, these can also vary. As you can see in my result, the differences is quite big between the african male, asian male and female!

African Male skull study

The different skulls - study

Learning new ways of using Zbrush!

After seeing Ryan Kingslien's live Hangout session today, I learned about how I can use zbrush in a more artistic way. He showed us how he would go about creating a rose, where he used, primitives, radial symmetry, panel loops, polygroups, subTools and couple of more tools.

This is my result! And It was really interesting to create something entirely different that I usually do :)

Rose - Sculpted in Zbrush, Rendered in PS

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mech Police

Wanted to learn couple of new techniques about concept art, where i make a hybrid between 3D sculpt and Photoshop. I sculpted first a mech in Zbrush, and rendered out several passes as used blending mode and draw on top of it, and this is the result I got :)
I wanted to learn more about photoshop and how i can use it in my workflow. I used between 45 and 60 min on the sculpt as I had no idea what to create and as I don't have any experience with mech sculpting.

However, got really satisfied with the result and want to continue this workflow! :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Iron Man

Update on the Iron Man, forgot to post the final picture earlier as it has only been on my portfolio page, however, decided to upload it here as well. I wanted i learn about hardsurface modeling/ sculpting inside zBrush, and choose the Iron Man as my personal conquest. This is how it turned out and I am quite satisfied with it!

Iron Man standing in the helicopter hangar at flesland Norway
The model is modelled and textured by me. Used zbrush for modelling and dDo for texturing. The renderering and lighting however is done by a really good friend of me, Jørgen Herland (http://herlandgraphic.weebly.com/).

Together we did this wonderful piece, and for further work, the idea is to make new uw's and use multimaps, and not just one as we have used now.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Samurai Update - WIP

So after couple of weeks, the samurai is finally taking form. It has been a hassle, but also incredible fun!
So what have I learned during this process? Well, I have learned more about the insert-mesh-brushes and how to use them efficiently and not killing the computer in the process. And also how to create my own insert-mesh-brush.

Anyways, here she is (yes, the idea was she is supposed to be a girl/women, however, she looks more like a young asian boy...)

Female Samurai - Personal Project