Friday, October 18, 2013

Alien Concept 1 - A step further

So I have been playing around with the first alien concept sculpt today. I wanted to take the model further, so retopologiezed, unwrapped and polypainted the alien. I then importet the model to Marmoset where I tweeked the render to my linking.
Used zRemesher to retopo and uwMaster to unwrap.
The map I used are: normal map, diffuse, spec, ao, emissive and detail. I rendered the model in Marmoset and then some post in photoshop.

This is only a couple of hours work, and I am really pleased with the results. Also, I know where I can shorten down time and be more effective. As I tweek alot in Marmorset today and tried to render out displacement maps. Which took forEVER! And in the end I ended up NOT using it... Anyways. here are my results! :) (sorry, it seems the pictures are a bit darker in the browser then in Photoshop... Can't seem to figure out why!)

Hope you like it! And feedback is always welcomed!

Alien concept 1 - Wire

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

Alien Concept 1 

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